From Julian Bond to Bill Lucas, 15 Feb 1972



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February 15, 1972

Dear Bill,

I am writing to solicit your help, and the help and assistance of your friends, in very important delegate races set for Georgia's Congressional Districts on March 11.

As you know, that date has been set aside for Congressional District Conventions where voters will choose delegates and alternates to the Democratic National Convention in Miami on July 11.

There are several Atlanta area candidates for delegates and alternate slots; I am one of them, as is Mrs. Carolyn Long Banks.

We are running uncommitted; that is, we have not expressed a commitment to any presidential candidate. We are instead committed to issues, to ending the war, to eradicating poverty, to insuring full equality for all Americans.

We intend to support the candidate or candidates who stand closest to these ideals, and believe that an uncommitted status enables delegates to bargain more effectively for the causes we hold dear.

All of this, of course, takes money; money for mailings, money for telephoners, money to transport voters to the convention, money for materials, posters and on and one.

That is why I write you now, to solicit your political and financial support, and the support of others who may be sympathetic to our candidates. Any assistance you can offer would be greatly appreciated.


Julian Bond

Bill Lucas Atlanta, Georgia

Last edit 14 days ago by SophiaMelo
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