From M. Noe to Samuel Ford, 18 Feb 1972



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February 18, 1972

Dear Mr. Ford,

Thank you for inviting Mr. Bond to come to the campus at Lawrence. I am sorry to be so slow responding to your letter, but do want to ask you if Thursday May 4 would fit into your schedule.

There is a possibility Mr. Bond can tie in a visit to Lawrence with a trip to Emporia later that day. Will you call me at 404-758-9101 about this date?

There will be some other dates opening up later in the spring, I know, but this one seems very good.

Mr. Bond's usual honorarium is $2000.


M. Noe Office Manager

Samuel E. Ford KU CYD 1800 Engel #661 Lawrence, Kansas 66044

Last edit about 2 months ago by DAHaraldson
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