From M. Noe to Henry Thomas, 9 May 1972


About the Project:

Following the death of civil rights leader Julian H. Bond on August 15, 2015, the University of Virginia acquired the entirety of his papers and moved them to the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library for preservation. In an effort to make the papers accessible to the public, Professor Deborah McDowell, the Carter G. Woodson Institute, and the Center for Digital Editing collaborated beginning in 2017 to create a scholarly edition of his papers.

How to Help Transcribe Documents:

  • Find a new title by going to
  • Select a document that is less than 100% transcribed by clicking on its title.
  • A list of pages from that document available for transcription will appear. Select one from the list and get started!
  • When you have finished transcribing a page, click "Save Changes" in the top right corner of the page.

The transcription conventions, or “rules,” are located at the bottom of every page in the transcription view. Additional help can be found here: A sample transcription is also available, see

Transcription Conventions:

  • New for Correspondence
    • Letterhead: If there is marginal content that is part of pre-printed letterhead, include it at the bottom of the page after the following editorial comment: [The following is the marginal content of the letterhead.]
    • Seals and other images: Use the following as a template to describe seals and other letterhead images/logos:
      • Inner circle: [image:] Three pillars supporting an arch, underneath which stands a soldier with musket and bayonet. The text on the arch reads: CONSTITUTION, while the banners wrapped around the pillars read, left to right: WISDOM, JUSTICE, MODERATION. Outer circle: STATE OF GEORGIA 1776
  • Spelling: Use original spelling.
  • NewCapitalization: Retain all regular capitalization, but please use regular sentence case for documents or sections written entirely in capital letters.
  • Punctuation: Retain all punctuation.
  • NewLine Breaks: Do not represent literal line breaks but instead represent only paragraph-type breaks.
  • Paragraph Breaks: Hit return twice after each paragraph ends.
  • Illegible text: Indicate illegible readings in single square brackets: [illegible]
  • NewDeletions: Include letters, words, or phrases that have been deleted or struck through using the s button at the top of the transcription pane, creating <s>text</s>.
  • NewInsertions: Include the text of any manuscript additions at the place where Bond intended it to be inserted, using the sup button at the top of the transcription pane, creating <sup>text</sup>. Only if significant, briefly describe extra markings in square brackets: [large X in margin].
  • NewUnderline: Include any underlined text using the u button at the top of the transcription pane, creating <u>text</u>.
  • Italics: Include any italicized text using <i>text</i>.