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The American people are demanding a fundamental change--that, I think, is the great lesson of the campaign of 1968. They are demanding an end to the politics of unfulfilled promises and exaggeration, an end to the politics of manipulation and control.

They know they will not get that change from the Republican Party. The Miami Convention made that very clear. The question now--the great question of 1968--is whether our own this party--the party which has always been claimed to be the party of the people--can now respond to the will of the people. The question is whether we will give them the one man whose name is synonymous with a new politics of 1968 and a new hope for America.

All over the world, 1968 is a year in which people have been raising up and demanding freedom--from Biafra to Georgia, from Czechoslovakia to Chicago. It is a year of the [illegible]

It is a year of the little people--students and teachers , Black and white workers and housewives. All over the world people want to be free to speak and to move about, free to protest and to be heard, free to live honorable lives and most of all, free to participate in the politics which affect their lives.

That is the freedom we have been seeking seek tonight through the Democratic Party in 1968.

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