MSS 93 Box 5 F1 Item 1, Page 4




Status: Complete

Period to an alarming Degree, and now fetters, and clogs
under a clearsighted & virtuous administration the Councils
of the Nation. We should get rid of this Poison; of British
agents, Printers, Spies, Partizans & of the various sources
of Corruption which are diffused in different Shapes thro'
the Country. We should cut off from them forever this
Colonies in America, which afford them great Means
of annoyance to us, and we should lose this [?]
and luxurious Habit], which we are assuming, from
a long continuous State of Peace and Prosperity - We
should turn our attention to the art of War & intro-
duce [introduce] the modern improved [??] into our Country, with which
combined with the martial Spirit that would be
inspired by War, and the natural & Political advan-
tages [advantages] of our Country, we could prepare to contend suc-
cessfully [successfully] should England be overcome by Bonaparte
against the gigantic Power of the Conquereres. We have
measured swords with England, even when hers was
much longer & ours much shorter than as present.
We cannot fear her. It is equally true that a War with
France would as present be but little felt, for I do not
see how she could reach us; but our Trade to the Continent
of Europe would be entirely at an End, and our Privateers
would reap a barren Harvest, whereas in a war with

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I think:
Line 8 the last word is "effeminate".
Line 12 the ?? should be "tactics"