MSS 93 Box 5 F1 Item 1, Page 5




Status: Complete

England, our large merchant Ships would find it a profita-
ble [profitable] Business to own & privateer against the British Trade.
But what I should most dread in such a War, would be
an amalgamation with English Politics, English Manners
and the gradual but dangerous Influence of English
Principles - The Fact is we have a Gordian Knot to loosen
I fear neither skill nor Wisdom can effect & we must
do it with the Sword. Of Reports again. I just hear that
George the IIId. is dead & that France has actually de-
clared [declared] War against us. But look on this as a Report

you tell me I ought to write to my Friends
I know it; but have so long deferred it, that I am now
ashamed; this necessity is the only Part of my Duties that
are unknown to me; Writing on public matters is also a
dangerous Business; you are put in the Papers often, &
if you have not well digested the Matter, you expose
yourself to unpleasant Criticisms - I have but one
Consolation, and that is, that my Intentions are honora-
ble [honorable] and that I really feel every Consideration and every
Degree of Gratitude for my Constituents & endeavour
to serve them to the best of my Power. I must send
a circular I believe - however I think I will make a
Point of writing a Letter every Day hereafter.

I regret much the Bench of Faith in stripping poor
old [???ter] of his Pension; but entre nous it is not to be

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