MSS 93 Box 5 F1 Item 1, Page 6
wondered at from certain accounts you give me in your
Letter. Gallatin has not yet given us an Answer on
the subject of Deposits. I am happy to hear, that your
Institution goes on well; Do the Enrolments compensate
you for yr. Loss of Time & your Trouble? I wrote James
January to vest some money for me in one of the Banks,
and desired him to consult you thereon provided he received
my money. My object is to combine Security with
Profit. Observe that I write in the Senate Room a
great Buzz [about?] my Ears - View my writing with
grains of Allowance - As to myself, my Prospects are
hidden in the secret Book of Destiny - I can say
Nothing - An old affair of which we have talked
remains in Status Quo. My ardent Imagination ge-
nerates [generates] frequent Hopes - I am like a Pendulum
swinging from Hope to Despair - and resting for a
moment at all the intermediate grades - Your Friend
Col. Williams is here on Wilkinsons C. Martial - He is
this Moment nominated in Senate by the President
a full Colonel. Wilkinson keeps his ground in public
opinion or rather gains - Not in mine however.
God bless you - yours as long as it shall please
God to spare.
yr. Friend
B Thruston.
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