



Status: Complete


May 23, 1922 – Tuesday
B. & G. left this a.m. & it took the combined efforts
of the household to get them off. Mrs. H. worried be-
fore [before] train time for fear they wouldn't get their
break & B. did have to leave a part of hers, the train
coming in while she was still at the table & af-
terwards [afterwards] for fear that they didn't have enough
lunch; but it was no ones fault but their own
if such was the case. Mrs. T. came down before we
finished chota to gather them some more cutting
& they dwadled [dawdled], indoors & out, over this job for
a couple of hours. Then Mr. H., who dislikes Mrs.
T. left without helping them fix up their cots, so
they had it to do themselves; I was packing & had
not intended going to the train, but it seemed
more things were left off the cart than got on –
except the trunks; all had gone but B. & she could
not possibly carry all there was left, so I had to go
trailing after her with part of their belongings.
I didn't have time to change my clothes, so was a
sight for gods & men. Mr. H. said afterwards he
believed they waited to see or when the rest of us were
going & then booked a day ahead of us to escape the
worry & trouble of breaking up; this was everyone's
private opinion, & I had good reason for think-
ing [thinking] it, but I wasn't going to be mean enough
to say so; however, agreed with him! I'd for-
gotten [forgotten] all about prayer meeting, as I was head over
heels in the packing, till E. reminded us; stopped
at once, bathed, dressed & went Mr. Harris led & gave
us a very mournful discourse; ordinarily what
has to say is very good, I think; they may or may not

have a meeting next week. E. wanted to play rook
this eve & they did
have a 3 handed game, but I had to pack.

May 24, 1922 – Wednesday
Goodbye to lovely little Kalaw; I, for one, am very
sorry to leave – all the more so when I think of all
I've heard of the heat in R. I've been to the strawber-
ry [strawberry] woman every day but Sun. to see if we could
get some berries, but nothing doing; we've had
some out of our own patch off & on, however. We
had a great time getting off this morn, so much
to do; but no such scramble as the others had yes.
for all our work. Mrs. H. had thoughtfully cleaned
out the "meat safe" yes., putting in clean papers
counting the dishes as best she could with part of them
in use. This a.m. E., Mrs. H. & I fixed up the lunch, the
former doing the biggest part of the job as the other 2
of us had to stop from time to time to do other things as
they came up; we cleared out the store-room & did
our last min. packing while Mrs. H. kindly saw to
the loading of the cart, while made strips, the book-
ing [booking] of the baggage, etc. I had my 2 big trunks sent
direct to Mandalay, taking with me 3 suitcases, the
duffle bag containing small suitcase, typewriter,
tennis racquet, army cape, steamer rug, lacquer trays
& hats! Also at the last had to stuff in my soiled new
sheet. Decided to take my dirty clothes with me & try
to get washed. Then there was my basket of vegetables
& two Shan baskets] one containing the 3 thermos bottles
one held choc. & the others tea & coffee – in the small-
est [smallest] (E's) respectively we had water in the H's large jug.
Mrs. H. put my bags & 2 wicker suitcases in my carriage
with the Nubendys – who proved to be English or Ameri-
can [American], & not Indian as some one prophesied. After we
got the [?] odd pieces properly stored away under
seats & in the b.r. we had room enough for ourselves

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