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8 revisions
Carolebar at Jan 16, 2022 03:24 PM



for it.

February 13, 1922 - Monday

This has been a hot day. I finished putting a-
way my things, washed out stockings,
handerkerchiefs, dust-rag, etc.; but didn't
find time to clean my white shoes. Returned
Mrs. W's cot, net, plate & cup after morn. session,
Miss D. going with me and carrying the other
things while I carried the cot. Later Mrs. W. came
over & brought my letter which I had written
to Dr. R. After breakfast I got some jobs done &
my bath; while after the aft. session I wrote
some cards & then went out to Kemmendine
to interview Miss. Southerland; met Mrs. St. J.
just as I reached the turn in the road, &
near the gate Miss. Smith & the littlest Marsh-
all [Marshall]; on the big up stairs porch were Mrs. Rob-
bius [Robbius], Mrs. W., Misses Geis, Price & Eastman; later
Miss S. appeared, & when she went to her
room before long, I followed her presenting
my case about the deaf school; she seemed
as hard as nails at first, but softened consid-
erably toward the end; she suggested Miss D.
for Prome, as Mrs. W. had done earlier in
the day & Miss C. long ago; rather funny
that they should all hit on the same one.
I didn't get back till nearly 7:30, & after a hasty
dinner Misses D., Seagrave & I went with
Dr. Kelly in his new car to the reception
at the English Baptist Church given in honor
of the St. Johns; he was given a check for R.

February 14, 1922 - Tuesday

750 & she R.250 in cash, in addition to
other gifts. Miss
North, sailing soon for England, also came in
for her share; the refreshments - coffee, can-
dy & cake - were very nice; later aeroated
waters were also served.

In language school all morn., and after
breakfast, when Miss D. had gone to the St. J's,
Miss S. came; she had already been to the W's &
was on her way to see Miss Hunt. She brought
the startling suggestion that I leave the mis-
sion altogether, as my heart seemed to be in
the other work; I told her, when interroga-
ted on the subject, that I could not decide so
important a step off-hand, and would have
to leave time to think it over. Mrs. Galloway - me
Miss Nichols of Basseine - from Moulinein, 3 child-
ren and 3 nurses arrived early this a.m. to take
the Henderson Line for Scotland Thursday
p.m. It belongs to the same firm as the Irrowad-
dy Flotilla Co., by whom her husband, a splen-
did speciman of manhood, works. Dr. Cummings
was also here again tonight. Took my clothes to
the dhoby & my clean ones were here when I got
back from the press, where I went to inter-
view Father Phinny about my financial
statement, buy stamps, pay Miss Hastings
the R.5 I owed her, etc. I wrote some cards, so
only had a few minutes to snatch my "tea"
& run for a car, but was lucky in catching
one at once.



for it.

February 13, 1922 - Monday

This has been a hot day. I finished putting a-
way [away] my things, washed out stockings,
handerkerchiefs, dust-rag, etc.; but didn't
find time to clean my white shoes. Returned
Mrs. W's cot, net, plate & cup after morn. session,
Miss D. going with me and carrying the other
things while I carried the cot. Later Mrs. W. came
over & brought my letter which I had written
to Dr. R. After breakfast I got some jobs done &
my bath; while after the aft. session I wrote
some cards & then went out to Kemmendine
to interview Miss. Southerland; met Mrs. St. J.
just as I reached the turn in the road, &
near the gate Miss. Smith & the littlest Marsh-
all [Marshall]; on the big up stairs porch were Mrs. Rob-
bius [Robbius], Mrs. W., Misses Geis, Price & Eastman; later
Miss S. appeared, & when she went to her
room before long, I followed her presenting
my case about the deaf school; she seemed
hard as nails at first, but softened consid-
erably [considerably] toward the end; she suggested Miss D.
for Prome, as Mrs. W. had done earlier in
the day & Miss C. long ago; rather funny
that they should all hit on the same one.
I didn't get back till nearly 7:30, & after a hasty
dinner Misses D., Seagrave & I went with
Dr. Kelly in his new car to the reception
at the English Baptist Church given in honor
of the St. Johns; he was given a check for R.


750 & she R.250 in cash, in addition to
other gifts. Miss North, sailing soon for England, also came in
for her share; the refreshments - coffee, can-
dy [candy] & cake - were very nice; later aeroated waters were also served.

February 14, 1922 - Tuesday

In language school all morn., and after
breakfast, when Miss D. had gone to the St. J's,
Miss S. came; she had already been to the W's &
was on her way to see Miss Hunt. She brought
the startling suggestion that I leave the mis-
sion [mission] altogether, as my heart seemed to be in
the other work; I told her, when interroga-
ted [interrogated] on the subject, that I could not decide so
important a step off-hand, and would have
to leave time to think it over. Mrs. Galloway - me
Miss Nichols of Basseine - from Moulinein, 3 child-
ren [children] and 3 nurses arrived early this a.m. to take
the Henderson Line to Scotland Thursday
p.m. It belongs to the same firm as the Irroway-
dy [Irrowaydy?] Flotilla Co., by whom her husband, a splen-
did [splendid] speciman of manhood, works. Dr. Cummings
was also here again tonight. Took my clothes to
the dhoby & my clean ones were here when I got
back from the press, where I went to inter-
view [interview] Father Phinny about my financial
statement, buy stamps, pay Miss Hastings
the R.5 I owed her, etc. I wrote some cards, so
only had a few minutes to snatch my "tea"
& run for a car, but was lucky in catching one at once.