Monday, July 21, 1947
We washed. Bob Wiley ate dinner with us. I went to bed a little while this afternoon & took a nap. I gathered some Green Beans & we fixed them ready to can tomorrow. Stella came a few minutes. Two of Mr. Tom James daughters came a little while. It sure has been cool today. We kinda expected Lawrence, Jean and Mrs. McLaren tonight but they didn't come.
Tuesday, July 22, 1947
We canned 3 gallons of Beans & have done the general house work. Dock ate dinner with us. Rex & Robert went to town a few minutes this afternoon and got the windows for the back porch. Robert & I went to Mrs. Jones a little while and got a kitten they gave Robert. Betty Wiley came and brought some black-berries. Stella came after the berries. Mrs. Wiley said for me to keep them if I want them as I asked first and they didn't think they could pick any more. I let Stella have 1 gallon and I kept 1 1/2 gallons.
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