Wednesday, July 23, 1947
We ironed and I made about 5 qts. of Black-berry Jam. Fannie Maye called and said she understood that Aunt Georgia and Jimmy will Start to Okla. next Tuesday. That is sooner than I expected. I still want to go if Robert doesn't get sick. His arm is getting sore where he had the small-pox vacanation [vaccination] and he has some fever. Robert & Rex went to town this afternoon. Betty Wiley came a little while. Rex worked tonight. We listened to the Radio.
Thursday, July 24, 1947 We got up late this Morning & I didn't get much done this Morning. I cleaned out the stove and moped [mopped] & waxed the kitchen floor this afternoon. Callie & Mrs. Jones came this afternoon. I washed the kitchen windows and hung clean curtains late this afternoon. I got a letter from Aunt Georgia and they want to start to Okla. next Tuesday afternoon. I sure hope I get to go.
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