Sunday, July 27, 1947
Rex & I went to Church at Liberty this Morning. Rev. Aubren Kirkwood preached. The revival has been going on all week but Rex has been busy and didn't want to go. I didn't have any way to go as I can't drive. Mother stayed at home with Robert as he had fever and we thought it best to keep him at home. Rex and Robert went to Loyd's a little while this afternoon. I read some and took a nap. Robert is feeling better this afternoon & tonight.
Monday, July 28, 1947
The wind blew right hard last night & we had hard rain. A lot of apples blew off and tree limbs blew off of the trees. I was afraid we would have a storm but it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be after I saw the cloud. I have done the general house work. Bob Wiley ate dinner with us. He is helping Rex work. Betty & Lou came a while this afternoon & got some apples. It has been hot today. I washed a few pieces. I wrote a letter to Alma. If nothing happens I will go to Aunt Georgia's tomorrow & we will start for Okla. Robert is better today. He is about as well as usual. I read some tonight.
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