Tuesday, July 29, 1947
I got up and cooked for all day and took a bath and got ready to go to Aunt Georgia's. Rex and Robert took me. I spent the day at Aunt Georgia's. I went to see Mr.& Mrs. Ed. Graham. Jimmy, Cecil Osburn, Aunt Georgia and I started to Okla. about 3:30 this afternoon. We will drive all night. We went through Memphis, Tenn. and Little Rock, Ark. I was asleep when we went through Little Rock. So I didn't get to see Little Rock.
Wednesday, July 30, 1947
We got to Mrs. Rogers about 7:30 O'clock this Morning. Alyene fixed breakfast for us. We have all been tired today and havn't done anything much. We took a nap. It sure has been hot today. A 100 degree's in Alyene's house. I don't know how hot it was out in the sun. I am 36 years old today. I have had a real pleasant Birthday.
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