Saturday, August 2, 1947 Elmer came home early this Morning. I went to the store with Donna this Morning. Kennie Hinkle came this morning. Jim and Aunt Georgia didn' twant him to come and was disappointed that he did come. He wasn't invited. Donna & I went down in Muskogee this afternoon and I got my gifts to take home to the folks and cards to send and also some for a scapbook. Aunt Georgia, Alyene, Allen, & Elmer came after Donna & I & we took a drive and went by the school for the Blind. He drove us by where the storm hit 2 years ago. The storm didn't bother the part of town Alyene lives in . We made ice cream this afternoon and Alyene made a cake this Morning to eat with the cream. Allen was sick nearly all night. He seems to have a sore throat.
Sunday, August 3, 1947
We have stayed at home all day. Allen has been sick all day. He has an awful high fever and a sore throat. We have talked a lot. It hasn't been quite as hot today. Elmer left late this afternoon for his work. He work so far away from his home that he doesn't to come home often . They aim to move before long so they can be nearer Elmer's work. I addressed a bunch of cards that I want to send to folks back home.
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