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Friday, August 8, 1947
I have done the general house work & I washed a few pieces. I took a nap this afternoon. I have felt tired today so didn't do any more than I had to. We are still having hot weather but not as hot as it was the first 3 days we were in Okla. Earle C. Clements won the nomination for Governor. He defeated Harry Lee Waterfield.

Saturday, August 9, 1947
I canned 5 qts. of tomatoes. Mr and Mrs. Willis Wiley and their little grand-daughter came a little while this afternoon. Anna Belle Slaton called & said Mr. M.R. Smith is at home & wants to visit us. Robert & Rex went after him tonight. Mother & I aimed to go to town tonight with Rex & Robert but as it wasn't room in the car we stayed at home. Rex & Robert came home without Mr. Smith as he had gone somewhere with Fred's folks. Rex went later after him.

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