Sunday, August 10, 1947
Mr. Fredrick was here today and said Mrs. Fredrick has a new baby boy & is getting along O.K. We sit up late last night talking to Mr. Smith so we didn't get up very early this Morning. Mr. Smith & Dock spent the day with us. Rex took Mr. Smith to town this afternoon. He will spend the night with his brother. He will start for Fla. early tomorrow Morning. I wrote a letter to Alyene Rogers. I read some tonight. I read some in the Bible also.
Monday, August 11, 1947
Today has been hot. It rained some this afternoon. It was some cooler after the rain. I cooked some plumbs [plums] to make jelly. I gather the green and also dryed Butter Beans and We shelled them I want to can the green Butter Beans. Mrs.McClaren, Lawrence & Jean came tonight. We played Rook. Lawrence & I won the most games. Jean & Rex usually are the ones to win. Wayne Jones & Louise came today a little while. Robert went to Mrs. Jones to see the children also. Robert Ray died last night.
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