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Tuesday, August 12, 1947
It sure is hot today. Lou,Sherron, Betty, Bob & L.A. came this Morning and made some cidar [cider]. I made some plumb jelly, canned 3 qts. of tomatoes and 1 gallon sweet cidar. Louise & Wayne came this Morning and also this afternoon. Robert went to Mrs. Jones to play with them this afternoon. Rex went to Robert Ray's funeral this afternoon. He was in a car wreck. He was Hopkins county court clerk.

Wednesday, August 13, 1947
We canned 2 gallons of ButterBeans. I canned 1 gallon of tomatoes and 1/2 gallon of cidar. I mowed part of the yard. I washed one dress and ironed two dresses. I made one of my cotton slips longer. We have had a busy day. It has been hot again today. I don't feel so well. This hot weather is hard on all of us.

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