Thursday, August 14, 1947
Mother, Robert, Rex & I went to town today. Court met, So Rex went to court. Mother got 2 new dresses and I got one. I got a new bed-spread also. I got Robert's hair cut. We ate down in town & then I took Robert to Jessie's then I went back down in town. It rained hard this afternoon. I tried to get Robert some school clothes but couldn't find the kind I want. I went to the show & saw " Blue Skies." I enjoyed the show fine. Mother went to Aunt Erma's. They are getting along very well.
Friday, August 15, 1947
I have done the general house work. Robert & I went to Mrs. Jones's this afternoon. Mrs. Charley Jones and Louise were there. Lea & Callie came & took them to Jo-Anna's. I stayed a good while & talked to Mrs. Jones. I Read some tonight and read 2 chapters out of the Bible.
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