


Status: Complete

Saturday, August 16, 1947
228th Day - 137 Days to Follow

I canned 1 gallon
and 1 qt. of tomatoes.
Mother pealed [peeled] them
for me. Rex, Robert and
I went to town today.
I got Robert some new
school clothes. We
ate down in town then
we walked to Jessie's.
I stopped and talked
to Lawrence and Jean
a while then I wen't
back down in town.
I went to the Show.
I read some
tonight. Mr Willis
Tapp is dead.
He had a
heart attack.

Sunday, August 17, 1947
229th Day - 136 Days to Follow

Today sure has
been a hot day.
Mother, Robert, Rex
and I went to town
this afternoon.
Mother, Robert and I
wen't to Pate's Drug
Store and got some
cream. Rex then took
us to Jessie's and
we spent the
afternoon with her.
Lin had gone to the
Ball game. Rex wen't
to Mr. Willis Japp's
funeral. The rest of
us didn't go as it
was so hot. The
funeral was at the
home and usually
a lot of the crowd can't
get in the house at
a home funeral. It was
too hot to stand out in
the yard. I read some
tonight. I read one
chapter out of the Bible.

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