Monday, August 18, 1947
Rex, Robert & I waited down at the end of the lane for the school bus but it didn't come so Rex took us over to the railroad near where Dock lives and Robert & I got on the bus and went to Anton to school. Robert liked his first day of school very well. We came on the Bus back from school and Robert & I went to Dock's and waited for Rex to come after us. We ate dinner at home. Mother pealed some tomatoes and I canned 1 1/2 gallons this afternoon. I canned them out of doors on the furnace. It was too hot to make a fire in the stove. It sure is hot again today.
Tuesday, August 19, 1947
Robert wanted some of us to go to school with him today but we didn't go. Rex took him to the Bus and he got on and went to school. He said he could hardly keep from crying all the time he was at school. Rex went after him over at the railroad and they got here in time for dinner. I guess he got along very well for his second day at school and none of us with him. Mother & I washed a large washing. It sure was a hot job. Hazel,Lou & Sherron came a while this afternoon. Betty came also & brought us some white grapes. I read a little tonight.
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