


Status: Complete

Wednesday, August 20, 1947
Rex took Robert to the Bus. He went after him at the railroad near Dock's when school dismissed . They go home at noon. Robert came home feeling bad. He has had fever all afternoon and had a fever part of the night I gave him some fever tablets. Mother and Rex pealed peaches and I canned 7 gallons of peaches. I cooked some white grapes to make jelly. It sure is hot today. Mrs. France and her daughter Beckie came a little while this afternoon. They got a few Apples . I gathered the dryed Butter Beans late this afternoon. I ironed a few pieces this Morning.

Thursday, August 21, 1947
Robert said he didn't feel like going to school. I believe he could have gone but we didn't make him. We didn't know how he would get along. We was afraid he might have fever today but he does't have any and has played most of the day. I canned 3 gallons and 1 qt. of peaches and made 6 pints of grape Jelly. It sure is hot again today . I ironed a few pieces. I cooked some grapes this afternoon out on the furnace to make some Jelly. I want to make the jelly in the Morning.

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