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Tuesday, August 26, 1947
We ironed today. Wayne & Mr. Jones came a little while . I mended part of the clothes. I canned 4 qts. and 1 pint of grapes. Robert is better today. He hasn't had any fever. Rex went to Pleasant View to see how they are getting along working getting ready to open a Coal mines. They are going to open the coal mines on Mother's place. I read some tonight. Betty Wiley came late this afternoon. I read some tonight.

Wednesday, August 27, 1947
I got Robert ready for school. He went down to the bus and told his Dad he was sick so Rex let him come back to the house. I think he was able to go to school for he has been playing all day. I canned 5 qts. of Damson's and made over 5 qts. of preserves and a little Damson jelly. I made 3 1/2 gallon's grape Juice. Mother fixed nearly all the grapes & Damsons ready to be Canned and make the preserves. I got a letter from Alyene Roger's. She sent some pictures that were made while we were in Okla.

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