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Thursday, August 28, 1947
240th Day - 125 Days to Follow

Robert wen't to
school today. He
seemed to like
better. Lou
and Sherron
played with him.
He doesn't know
very many of the
children at school.
I canned 3 qts.
of apples. I wen't
to Mrs. Jones's this
afternoon. Jo, Nell and
Wayne were there.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Jones
and Louise were there part
of the time. They wen't
with Callie after
Lee [?] so they were
gone part of the
afternoon. Wayne came
after Robert came
home from school.

Friday, August 29, 1947
241st Day - 124 Days to Follow

Robert wen't to
school today and
came home liking
fine. I canned 1
gallon of tomatoes
and 2 gallons of
apples. Mother
pealed the tomatoes
for me and most
of the apples. I
took a nap this
afternoon. I read
some while
in bed also. I don't
feel so well today.
I read a little
tonight and I
read some out
of the Bible.

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