Wednesday, September 3, 1947
Robert went to school today. He says he likes to go to school now .He is feeling lots better. We ironed part of clothes. Fletcher ate dinner with us. He is helping Rex cut grass. They are bailing hay this afternoon. Loyd & Dock came & helped Rex & Fletcher haul in the hay. Rex got some of the Gatlin men to Bail his hay. Mother & I cut off Apples to dry this afternoon. I d read some tonight.
Thursday, September 4, 1947
I thought Fletcher & Dock & maybe Loyd would be here for dinner but it rained a little so they couldn't work in hay this Morning so they went home. Rex cut a little hay this afternoon. We finished ironing. I gathered some Turnip Greens and we washed them and put them in the jar's ready to can tomorrow. Mrs. Jones came this afternoon. I don't feel so well. Robert went to school again today. I think he likes to go now. I read some tonight. I read some out of the Bible also.
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