Friday, September 5, 1947
248th Day - 117 Days to Follow
I canned 3 gallons
of turnip greens
this morning. I
thought Fletcher
would be here for
dinner but he
ate before he come.
They finished
bailing Rex hay
this afternoon. I
made over 3 pints
of apple Jelly.
I wen't to Mrs. Jones
a little while this
afternoon and took her
a mess of Black
eye'd peas. I took Callie
peas also. Mother and I
cleaned up the house
this morning and I washed
a few pieces for Robert.
Saturday, September 6, 1947
249th Day - 116 Days to Follow
Rex, Robert and i wen't
to town today. Mother
said she didn't feel
like going I got
Robert's hair cut
then we ate our
lunch. Rex took
Robert to Jessie's.
I went to the Show.
After the Show
I had my hair washed
and set. It sure
looked a lot better.
I read some tonight
and I read some out of the Bible
I don`t feel so well today.
[Cont. from first page]
Friday Sept. 5, 1947
Callie gave me a mess
of green Beans while
I was at her home. She
has plenty of Green Beans.
and I had plenty of
peas. I read some tonight.
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