Sunday, September 7, 1947
250th Day - 115 Days to follow
I wanted to go
to church at
Liberty this
morning but Rex
didn't want to go so
we didn't go. We
aimed to go to
church at town
tonight. To a Tent
meeting but
Lin, John, Alma
and children
came this afternoon
and stayed too
late for us to
go . I enjoyed them
so it didn't make any difference
We can go some other
time. I read some
Monday, September 8, 1947
251st Day - 114 Days to Follow
We washed this
morning. Anna Belle
and cousin Ev came
a little while this
morning. I painted
on of our rain
Barrel's this
afternoon. Mother
churned. I then
went to bed and
read while in bed.
I rested a long
time. Mrs. Mcclaren,
Lawrence and Jean
came tonight. We
played Rook.
Lawrence and I
won one more games
than Rex and Jean won.
I don't feel so well today.
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