Tuesday, September 9, 1947
252nd Day - 113 Days to Follow
I went in the garden
early this morning
and gathered the
Black eye peas.
I then got Robert
ready to go to school.
We ironed today
and fixed the
Black eye peas
ready to can tomorrow.
It rained a little
today. It has
rained hard
tonight. Rex wen't
to town todayCourt met.
I read 2
chapters of
of the Bible tonight.
Wednesday, September 10, 1947
253rd Day - 112 Days to Follow
It sure has been
a hot day. I
canned 6 qts. of
Black eye peas
and 1 qt. of green
beans. We made
8 pints of Kraut
this morning.
We haven't done
very much
this afternoon.
I read some
out of the
Bible tonight.
I don't feel
well today.
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