Thursday, September 11, 1947
254th Day - 111 Days to Follow
Mother and I cut
off a bushel of
apples to dry
this morning.
We put the apples
out of doors to dry this
afternoon but it
sprinkled rain so
we brought the
apples in the
house. The sun
soon shown [shone] out
but we didn't take
the apples out any
more. I painted a
rain barrel. Callie
came a little while
and asked us to
go to church with
her. Mother said she
didn't feel like
going but I wen't
with Lee and Callie to
church tonight.
Anna Belle and
cousin Ev were there.
It rained a
little tonight.
I don't feel
so well
Friday, September 12, 1947
255th Day - 110 Days to Follow
It has rained today.
It is hard on
the apples we are
trying to dry. I put
them in the stove a
while I thought maybe
that would help them.
I made some apple
jelly and ironed a
few pieces. I cleaned
up part of the
house. I sure feel
bad today. Robert
likes to go to school
O.K. now. He is
feeling lots better.
I read 2 chapters
out of the Bible
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