



Status: Complete

Cape Girardeau Mo October 17th 1857

My Dearest friend
I received your kind letter week before last but
I thought I would wait untill the fair was over so I could tell
you something the fair was last week it commenced thursday and
was three days. Sara and Sis went the first day but Ma nor me went
Pa went ever day Ma had a carpet there. Cousin Thomas was here
and two of the prettyest lamp mats you ever saw and a knit cap
and babys shirt worked so pretty. Mrs. Swan up by Jackson got
the premium on a pair of hoes and on a shirt and on peaches and she
had a carpet but she did not get the premium nor Ma neither.
Mrs Crow at Benton got the premium on the carpet.
ODora Ma was to Jackson two or three weeks ago to a big meeting
she saw Miss Green she said that she had the chills every other day
you know that is her {thoid?}. Ma said that she said she wanted to see us all
so bad O Dora she is going to teach school up by Mr. Ben Millers and
you know she said she would not teach no more and what do you
think Sara Joe is teaching school up to her grandfathers dont you
reckon she will flirt when she comes home and Betty Thomson is
going up to pleasent hill to hook the cape is not big enough for
her she wants to go to some place better Sinia English is going to
the Cape to school. we are building the new house with five
roomes down stairs and so upstairs and they have got it up tolera-
ble high they have got the front door and two windows in
aint they geting along rite fast for one ma and two boys

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