Letter to Thomas T. Sloan from Bridget Sloan, August 15, 1833





Lexington Aug. 15th 1833

My dear boy I must explain to you the cause of my long silence. In a day or two after I heard of your return to Washington, I went to Georgetown in a hurry to see your Uncle James who was attacked again with the cholera, but he is now in a state of convalesence. On my return home I was taken sick, and have been quite indisposed [indisposed] ever since. I feel better today, but I am not sufficiently well enough to enter in the spirit of write you a longe letter; therefore if I do not fill this sheete I hope you will not attribute [attribute] it to no cause but the true one.

You say I must write you a news letter. I fear I cannot do that, as I know of little that will interest you; but upon reflection, I know you will be pleased to hear that your brother is coming out of the [cinks] moste prodigeously [prodigeously]. He is now sheriff of half [??alle] county, and he will fill that situation for the remainder of this year, and then the county will be divided [divided] in three equal parts, and then Robert of course will get but one third. It is a very responsible [responsible] situation, for so young a man, he is a mear boy in point of years. His uncle is

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his security - a good and faithful uncle, but you know his worth, and I am peased to think that you have the heart, and brains, to know how to appreciate that worth.

James Troter and Mr Prentice has been lashing one another in the paper again, for which Mr Troter is in Louisville, at this time, he left this place with the determination of calling out Mr P. to a combat. Mr T. chose for his friend, to go with him a Mr Pierce, he is an obscure young man, but I believe he is considered [considered] a gentleman, and esteemed as an intelligent man. I suppose we will hear the result in a short [short] time.

You asked me how many children Maganetta had, she has one and a half. What do you think of that? prety swift indeed. I wish you could see Josephine, she has got more since now than father and mother (mother). She is a great lover of music and flowers, quite a refined taste, do not you think so?

Mary Jane is not marrye yet or so I think she ever will. She is hard to please, and she has arrived to an age that she will loke before she liepes. The judge sayes he will never give his consent for her to change her situation. He has purchased a piano, a moste splendid [splendid] one. M. J. will commence taking music lessons [lessons] in a few days. You say some thing of your sweteheart I wish I knew her. I have been made laugh several times by the inquerys of a girl of this place after you, she is so kind as to ask after my health some times. I call her your [me thad?] is meeting seateheart [sweetheart] as I have a suspicion that you have been

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kind enough to galant her from meeting home at night is the cause of her solicitude for your health. What will you give me to tell you her name, but by the by I have got that to learn yet myself, but I can say that she is a bakers daughter on the hill some were.

Mag was here yesterday, and I told her that I should write to you to day if I was will enough she requested me to send her love to you. She says it would be a greate pleasure to her to showe you her daughter.

Mary J. requested to write you a postscript in this letter, but I believe I shall seele it without as she is ingaged with company and I am in a hurry to send it to the poste office for fear it will miss this mail. Your grand mother send her love to you and good wishes. Write [..] and let your letters be long.

Your mother & friend B. Sloan

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Mr Thomas T. Sloan Washington City

Mr. Thomas T. Sloan Washington city Upper Marlboro DC Md

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