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2 revisions
sfemet at Jan 20, 2024 03:30 AM


A Cheap Soap Receipt 8 qts soft water 4 lbs bar Soap 2 lbs Sal soda 3 oz of Borax 1 oz liquid ammonia Directions for making Cut the soap into slices & put it in the water over the fire • Stir it gently till desolved then add the soda & borax stirring it till well mixed then empty in a tub & when nearly cool stir in the ammonia gradualy l et it stand till cold then cut in bars & dried for use

A Cheap Soap Receipt
8 qts soft water
4 lbs bar Soap
2 lbs Sal soda
3 oz of Borax
1 oz liquid ammonia
Directions for making
Cut the soap into slices
& put it in the water over
the fire • Stir it gently till
desolved then add the
soda & borax stirring
it till well mixed then
empty in a tub & when
nearly cool stir in the
ammonia gradualy l
et it stand till cold
then cut in bars & dried
for use
