Manuscript Cookbook 014





Ointment for Burns 1 oz balsam of fir 1/2 oz Sugar of lead 1 oz Balsam peru 2 oz Laudanum 1 oz glycerine 1 oz Sweet Oil a teacup of fresh lard. Mix well & apply

General Liniment 1/4 pt. Turpentine 4 oz 4 oz Linseed Oil 2 oz Aquamonia 1 oz Iodine 6 oz Alcohol or 1/2 pt Mix well & bottle for us

Hoof liquid for tender feet 6 oz linseed oil 1 gill ether 3 oz Turpentine 6 oz Oil tar 8 oz Oregamum. Mix well & apply at night on the hoof 2 times a week

Last edit 6 months ago by nico0407


For Thrush

2 oz Calomel 2 " Caster Oil 3 " of tar mix and apply to the affected part after being well cleaned out

Sore Throat 4 oz tincture of smart weed 2 " wormwood 4" Spirits camphor 1 " ether 1 " capsicum

Hoof Liquid 4 oz Oil of Turpentine 4 " Tar 8 " Whale or Linseed Oil

Last edit 6 months ago by nico0407


Receipt called King of Oil or the Nine Oils 2 oz alcohol 2 oz Oil Stone or Roek Oil 2 " " Spike 2 oz " Oreganum 2 oz " Tar 2 " Venis Turpentine 1/2 " Oquafortis 6 oz 4prf Brandy Shake well together & apply extertnally

Receipt to cure Slip Stifle 1 oz nut gall 2 " alum disolved in hot water stand till cold 3 whites of eggs 1/2 pt Brandy 4th proff Bathe & heat in

Last edit 6 months ago by nico0407


Liniment for Sprains 3 oz Oil Oreganum Succine " " Wormwood " Oil Spike " Spirits Amonia " Oil Olive " Spirits Camphor 1 pt alcohol 3 oz Tinc Cantharides

Best Hair Oil 6 oz Castor Oil 2 " Alcohol 1 " Aq Ammonia 1 " Tinct Cantharides 1/2 " Bergamot or Citronella or cologne just as you prefer

Last edit 6 months ago by nico0407


Eye Lotion recipe Take a good quantity of linseed oil 1 pt; add 2 oz of spirits of ether, 1/2 oz gum camphor. Let it stand in some warm place until the oil cuts the gum and it is fit for use. Apply it to the eye every morning with a soft fether.

Fistular or Pool Evil Cure it before it brakes. Run a rowill or seten from the lower part of the swell0 ing to the top, through the center of the enlargement, then make the follwing lotion. Take of Sal ammoniac, 2 oz; Spirits turpentine 1/2 pint 4 oz linseed oil. 4 oz spirits tar; Shake well together and apply it all over the swelling every other day

Last edit 6 months ago by nico0407
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