Magnetic Ointment 1/4 lb Lard 1/4 " Raisins cut fine 1/4 " Fine cut Tobacco simmer well together then strain & press out from the drugs
Horse Liniment for Stiff goints 1 pt Alcohol 2 oz Oil cedar 2 " Oil oreganum 2 " Gum Camphor 1 oz Oil amber. Put all in a bottle and shake well before using
English Liniment very strong 1 pt Beefs gall 1 pt alcohol. volatile liniment 16 oz 10 oz Spirits Turpentine. Oil oreganum 4 oz 4 oz aqua Monia. Tincture of capsicum 2 oz [1/2 pt crossed out]
this begins over the leaf 3 oz Oil amber. Tincture of Spanish flies 6 oz Mix well before use.
Linimient for Strains and bruises & Spavins if not long standing 2 qts best cider vinegar 8 oz Salt peter pulverised Mix and set in a warm place and shake often till desolved then use 2 or 3 times daily. till cured
Common Scratches 6 oz Sweit Oil, Borax 2 oz 2 oz Sugar of led. Mix and apply twise daily, after washing off with greasy dish water and allow the legs to dry well.
Another remedy 1/2 oz verdigris and 1 pt whisky shake well before use.
Loosness in Horse or Cattle Take Tormentile root dose 1 to 1 1/2 oz It may be stored in 1 pt of milk and steeped a few moments then give 3 or 5 times daily till cured.
For Worms 3 drachms Calomel 1 " Tarter emetic Mix and divide in two powders to be given in 3 hours or 2 1/2 as you please. 24 hours after give as a Purgative
6 Drachms of Barbados aloes 2 " " Ginger 1 " " Gentian and give a warm bran mask before the purge and after for two meals
Wash for Galls 1/2 pt Tinct Myrrh 1 pt Warm rain water 1 oz Borax & Salt or Aloes water put in a bottle shake well before use Wash twise a day
Silvering Powders 30 grains nitrate of Silver " " common salt 3 1/2 oz Cream of Tarter Pulverize fine mix thorough & Bottle for use
Phisic. never fails Ginger 2 oz Gum Gamboge one oz to a dose every 3 hours or six as you see fit
Magnetic Tooth cordial and pain killer Best alcohol 1 oz Laudanum 1/8 oz Chloroform liquid measure 5/8 oz Gum camphor 1/2 " Oil cloves 1/2 oz Sulphuric Ether 3/4 oz Oil cinnamon 1/4 oz Oil of Lavender 1 dr Apply with lint
The raging toothache Why endure When there is found a perfect cure Which saves the Tooth And stops the pain, And gives the sufferer Ease again.