Manuscript Cookbook 210





Kisses (3 eggs) To every white of egg (beaten very stiff) add 2 tables. granulated sugar. Have pan buttered, drop in with [?] spoon. (Hot oven when put in, allow oven to cool while baking.) Whip cream and cover after they are done.

Cracker Balls for Soup Two tables. butter, two whole eggs, beat both very light. Add salt and pinch of pepper. Cracker crumbs sifted inadd enough to stiffen so they can be rolled into balls. Boil in soup 10 min.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Haley Reiners


then yolks, well beaten, of two eggs. Let cool.

Farino Pudding Excellent 1 cup farina boil in half milk and water (2 1/2 cups) Add sugar enough to sweeten 1 lump butter size of an egg. Lemon gratings, vanilla to taste pounded almonds (12) and 4 bitter ones, then yolks of 6 eggs and the well beaten up whites of same. Put in a wet mould. When cold, pour in glass dish, serve with sliced fruit or sauce.

Francis Cookies

dough can stand in ice box several days

1 lb flour- sieve full 1/2 " butter (melted) 1/4 " sugar 1 raw egg 2 boiled " grated 1/2 egg shell water

Last edit over 2 years ago by Haley Reiners


Oyster Patties

One pint of small oysters 1/2 pint cream, teaspoon flour, salt and pepper, let cream come to boil, mix flour with little cold milk, stir into boiling cream season with salt & pepper while the cream is boiling, let the oysters come to a boil in their own liquor, skim carefully and drain off all liquor, add oysters to cream and let boil up once, fill the patty shell and serve. the quantities given are enough for 18 shells

Last edit over 2 years ago by Haley Reiners


A German Cake

9 eggs - beaten separately then put to-gether 9 tablespoons powdered sugar 9 " " chocolate 9 " " chopped almonds 1/2 teaspoon cloves 1/2 " cinnamon 10 tablespoonsful cracker meal Bake in two layers - put to-gether with jelly, frosting and almonds

Pie Crust Two cups flour, cup of lard or lump of butter pinch of salt, few drops of cold water

Last edit over 2 years ago by Haley Reiners


Bread Boil one pint milk, 1 qt flour then mix - 1 cake yeast dissolved in 1/2 cup of lukewarm water (done before milk is put on) 3 tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon butter then mix well - Best prepared at night left stand, next morning add a little flour - by stove -

Nuddles 2 yolks of eggs, a pinch of salt - flour enough to stiffen - Roll out real thin - let lay to dry awhile and cut very, very thin -
Last edit over 2 years ago by Haley Reiners
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