



Status: Needs Review

[newspaper clippings]
[left column]
Garlic Hint.
A small button of garlic in a quart of vine-
gar will give it a mysterious, delicious flavor
and it will immensely improve salads or any-
thing in which it is used.
MISS EMMA C. MATERN, Franklin Grove, Ill
* *
Bordeaux Sauce.
One quart of green tomatoes sliced fine.
Let stand in salt water over night. Add two
quarts of cabbage sliced fine, five small
onions, one red pepper, two-thirds table-
spoonful tumeric, one-half tablespoonful of
whole allspice, three-fourths tablespoonful of
whole mustard seed, one tablespoonful of cel-
ery seed, one tablespoonful of salt, one quart
of vinegar, one cupful of sugar. Boil all
together until tender. This makes two quarts
of pickles. If vinegar is strong, use more
sugar. Drain tomatoes well when taken
from salt water. MRS D. J. OETJEN,
* *
Cherry Conserve.
Two cupfuls of cherries, pitted, three cup-
fuls of sugar. Cook 'till it jellies. Then add
one orange, cut fine, and one-half cupful of
nuts, chopped, and cook till it is well boiled
through. E. C. H., Lowden, Ia.
* *
Parsley Relish.
Mix well one cupful of finely chopped pars-
ley, one small green pepper, one-half small
red pepper, both of the long thin variety, and
one tablespoonful chives; when mixing add
one tablespoonful of salt. This is excellent
with roasts or meats of almost any variety;
also for sandwiches.
MRS. A. HAMILTON, Edison Park, Ill.
Rhubarb Conserve.
Cut rhubarb fine, to each cupful add juice
and pulp of one orange and one teaspoonful
of grated rind, one teaspoonful of lemon juice,
one and one-half cupfuls of sugar; stand on
back of stove until sugar is dissoved, then
boil rapidly until transparent; then adde one-
half cupful of blanched almonds, cut into
thin strips, boil up once more, and put into
jely glasses.
A.D. BROWN, 7201 Princeton avenue.
Pineapple Pudding.
One teacupful of tapioca, four teasoonfuls
of water, one teacupful of sugar, one small
juicy pineapple. Soak the tapioca overnight
in one and one-half teacupfuls more o f water,
and cook in a double boiler until transpar-
ent. Ad the sugar and finely minced pine-
apple. Put into a wet mold and chill. Serve
with plain or whipped cream. Delicious

[right column]
Sponge Cake with Cream Filling
One cupful of flour, one cupful of [sugar]
eggs, two teaspoonfuls of baking po
one-fourth teaspoonful of salt. First [beat]
eggs together until light, then add the
of sugar. When the sugar is [dissolved]
the flour, in which the baking [powder]
salt have been mnixed. Bake in [illegible]
tins as for jelly roll.
Cream filling: One pint of [milk]
of sugar, one egg, two [tablespoons]
starch. Let the milk come to a
the cupful of sugar and one [well-beaten}
Dissolve the two tablespoonfuls
starch with milk or water and [add]
boiling milk. Cut the cake in small
and cover the top with cream[filling]
makes a most delicious dessert.
Beet Salad.
Cook the beets until tender in boiling
to which has been added a little salt
bruise the stems, as they will then [lose?]
color. Plunge into cold water, [illegible]
slice, then dice and combine with [equal]
titles of diced celery and nuts, meat
several finely minced new onions. A
in a nest of crisp lettuce leaves and [served?]
a rich mayonnaise dressing, with the
hearts dotted over the top. MRS.
Chili Sauce.
Twelve large peeled tomatoes, five
green peppers, insides removed, four
Cut this all fine, then add one cup
vinegar, one cupful of sugar, two [teaspoon-]
fuls of salt, one teaspoonful oil of [cinnamon]
and cloves. Boil down quite thick a
in bottles or jugs. Jugs are always
able for tomatoes. RE
[attached sideways on page]
Caramel Filling.
Two cupfuls brown sugar, one teaspoonful
of flour rubbed well in sugar, butter size of a
walnut, one-half cup of cream. Boil all to-
gether until waxy. Flavor with vanilla.
MRS. W. L. KINEMAN, Loda Ill.

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