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2 revisions
Stittches at Feb 04, 2024 04:38 PM


Add to first mixture, Next, add beaten egg, greated cheese and as much of the flour as can be stirred into the dough without kneading. then knead on a floured board until easily handled 2-3 min. Shape into 1 loaf and place in a greased pan 10x5x3½ Cover with clean towel and allow to rise in a warm place until nearly double. Bake in 375° oven for 45 min or until done. Remove from pan brush with melted butter and cool 1 loaf. Orange Bread | 1 large, thick-skinnned orange | 1¼ t. salt | 1 cake compressed yeast ¼ C. gran. sugar | 1 egg, beaten ¼ C. butter | about 3 C. sifted flour Cut orange into quarters rmeove white core and grind, using fine blade. There should be 1 C. juice and pulp combine with

Add to first mixture, Next, add
beaten egg, greated cheese and as
much of the flour as can be
stirred into the dough without
kneading. then knead on a
floured board until easily handled
2-3 min. Shape into 1 loaf and
place in a greased pan 10x5x3½
Cover with clean towel and allow to
rise in a warm place until nearly
double. Bake in 375° oven for 45 min
or until done. Remove from pan
brush with melted butter and cool
1 loaf.

Orange Bread

1 large, thick-skinnned orange 1¼ t. salt
1 cake compressed yeast
¼ C. gran. sugar 1 egg, beaten
¼ C. butter about 3 C. sifted flour
Cut orange into quarters
rmeove white core and grind, using
fine blade. There should be 1 C.
juice and pulp combine with
