Manuscript Cookbooks

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Manuscript Cookbook 009

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Common Gingerbread 2 table spoons butter 2 warm water 1 tea spoon [?] 1/2 tea spoon ginger fill up the coffee cup with [?] Molasses flour sufficient to roll them Molasses cup cakes 2 cups Butter 2 " Molasses - 3 eggs - 1/2 cup cold water 1 Table spoon soda

Last edit 2 months ago by sabern
Needs Review


Baked Pudding To 1 Qt of water boiling hot , stir in half a pint of corn meal, one tablespoonful of ginger, butter the size of an Egg, and Sugar or molasses to tast. Give it a long baking, in a [Shapp/ff?] heated stove or oven, Eaten without Sauce of any king but its own

Last edit 2 months ago by sabern
Needs Review


Sugar Bread 6 cups flour 2 sugar 1 butter 1 cream [little?] ginger + [sualtor?]

Soda Jelly Cake 1, tea cup sweet cream 2, sugar, 2 eggs, 1/2 tea spoon soda 1, cream tartar, flour to the consistence of butter cakes bake soon a little [yolk sauce?] Cream cookies 1 tea cup of sour cream 2,, [^to?] of sugar, 1 egg, teasppon salerutus. caraway seed

Last edit 2 months ago by sabern
Needs Review


Sago Puffing Wash a tea cup of sago put it in a pudding dish, & pour on a quart of boiling water stirring it all the time put in a little salt & a table spoon of sugar, The longer it stands before baking the better Bake slowly an hour, Eaten with sugar + butter stirred together Tea Cakes 1 cup butter, 2 sugar, beat together, 1 cup sour milk or water, teaspoon saleratus spice with nutmeg or caraway flour to roll out. mix as soft and [?lle?]

Last edit 2 months ago by sabern
Needs Review


Crust for pot pie Peel boil + wash 1 Dez potatoes, 1 teaspoon of salt 2 table spoons butter 1/2 cup milk or cream then flour till you can roll it

[?] Cake 1 cup of sugar [?] cup of flour 2 table spoon [butter?] [mix with?] 3 eggs [?] [?]

Last edit 2 months ago by sabern
Needs Review


Fruit Pidding Take light Dough work in a little butter roll a 1/2 of an inch thick - cover with straberr ies - raspberries blackberries or apple double it once or twice fasten the ends lie it in a [bug with ?[ [as well/swell?] - boil half an hour To cook cucumbers Pour and cut ingredients take out the seeds. Good like asparagus [put on trust?] Thickened Milk Put 1 or 2, eggs in flour, then stoke the thickening until boiling Milk - set away till cold then pour on sweetened cream

Last edit 2 months ago by sabern
Needs Review


3 cups of Dough very light 3 cups of Sugar 1 cup butter 3 eggs, 1 nutmeg [?] if you like 1 teaspoon saleratus, rub the butter + sugar together then add the eggs + spice - let it rise

Gingerbread 1 table spoon of ginger 1 to a 1/2 gill milk - 1 teaspoon saleratus dissolved in a tablespoon hot water put into the milk / 1 half pt of Molasses a small teacup butter 3 [pts?] of flour rub in the butter + ginger

Last edit 2 months ago by sabern
Needs Review


Cure for a cough A lump of alum the size of a hens egg put in a quart of Molasses [simmer?] in an earthen vessel till the alum is [bigger?] take a spoonfull 3 times a day

Last edit 2 months ago by sabern
Needs Review


To color [coppesus?] Take a pail full of ley boil a bit of [coppesus?] heap the size of a hens egg in it

Delicate Cake Stir to a cream a pound of powdered sugar white, seven ounces of butter, then add the whites of sixteen eggs beaten to a stiff froth roe water or lemon juices, stir in gradually a pound of sifted flour, bake immediately

Last edit 2 months ago by sabern
Needs Review


Pound Cake 1 lb of powdered sugar 1 [?] sifted flour 3 1/4 butter eight eggs 1 nutmeg - Rub the butter + sugar together until very light then add the yolks, the spice + part of the flour, Beat the whites to a stiff froth + stir in with the remander of the flour, mix all well - Susans Sponge Cake 10 eggs 1 pound of flour 8 ounces sugar the flour to be well [beaten?] Bake in a hot oven

Last edit 2 months ago by sabern
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