Manuscript Cookbooks

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Manuscript Cookbook 213

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Aunt Haines Recipe "Hasty Pudding -

Take a quart of good rich milk, and thicken with flour like starch, then put in grated Lemon oil of Lemon or something to your fancy to give it a pleasant flavor, and after adding 2 eggs thicken it (as we would Indian mush) with flour, till it would be stiff enough to form a good [Txxp's] Head, and eat it with milk or cream. Turns out better when cold, and the pan must be well buttered whether it is to be eaten hot or cold.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Kansas State University Libraries
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Ginger Pudding

1/2 pint Molasses, 1 Teaspoon Ginger, 1 [do?] Cinnamon, 1 [do?] Cloves & Allspice mixed 1/2 Tea cup warm water with small Teaspoon full [Super?] Carbon of Soda dissolved in it, which add to molassesse - with one pint of Whortle berries or Cranberries, cut apples Green, or dried in Winter, with enough flour for a stiff batter Boil it 2 hours and a 1/2 hour. Dip - Butter and sugar beat together, with little wine.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Kansas State University Libraries
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French Cream Hotel Receipt.

Take 3 pints milk and put on to boil Simply sweetening it - Separate eggs, and have them ready in both kinds when the milk boils.- as well as the Grating of a good sized Lemon

Pass the whites through the boiling milk & skim it off - Add the yellow and Lemon grating, and allow it to boil up a few minutes, before pouring it into the bowl or open dish for Table. Then place white on it like Islands [??] Dotted with Jelly.

Last edit 12 months ago by Kansas State University Libraries
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14 ounces of flour half a pound of butter, and sugar butter rubbd fine, half a teaspoon of cinamon & nutmeg, 18 Drops of the essence of lemon a quarter of a glass of rosewater fill it with pure water, a half a glass more will wet it 1/2 and eggs mix all well together put it on your table and knead it well cut them round and bake them in a slow oven

Last edit 8 months ago by Kansas State University Libraries
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Common Paste

May be made in the same manner as the other, except take 1 lb of flour, sifted weigh out 6 oz roll it out with 1/2 lb butter. [???] 1/2 pint water, or nearly so.

Collumbia Cake

1 lb flour 1/2 lb butter, the same of sugar, 5 or 10 eggs, if you chuse, beat light, mix them all well together, glass of wine, brandy and rose water mix spice, to your taste.

Alamode Beef

Take a [r?]ound of beef about 15 lbs more, [tigh?] this flat cut out the bone,

Last edit 8 months ago by Kansas State University Libraries
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when iced put it away to dry.

Queen Cake

Is made in the same manner as pound cake, and if you chuse add to this quantity, a qrt of currants, picked, washed and well dryed.


Fruit Cake

Is also made in the same manner as pound cake, except add to this quantity, a pound of currants picked, washed and well dryed 1 lb raisins, stoned and cut in half, 1/2 lb citron cut fine; put these in last by

Last edit 7 months ago by Kansas State University Libraries
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Rich paste for pudding

Take a lb and 1/4 of flour, and sift it, weigh out 1/2 lb of it, and put it on, one side of your table, take one lb of Butter, well washed, and divide it into 4 parts, 1 qr Cut fine with, 3/4 of your flour, wet this with one tumbler of water it should be just 1/2 pint. Roll out your paste and put the butter in at three different time sprinkling it everytime with some of your flour that was, weighed out, after you have put the butter in the last time, roll it well, cut off the edges, [?]

Last edit 5 months ago by Kansas State University Libraries
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them in the middle, fold it up, and put it in a cool place.

---Almond Pudding---

Take one lb of butter and 1 lb of sugar, beat them to a cream, 10 eggs, beat them very light., add them by degrees, 1 lb almonds, blanched and pounded, put them in by degrees, a wine glass of wine, brandy, rose water mixed in

---Cocoa Nut Pudding---

1 lb butter, and one of sifted sugar, beat them to a cream, the whites of 16 eggs beat to a

Last edit about 3 years ago by KeGregg
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it. Add the former ingredients to it.

Cheese Cake

1/2 lb butter and sifted sugar beat to a cream. 5 eggs beat very light, to a half pint of milk, for the curd, put in the egg when the milk has boiled, stir it gent ly till the curd is made put it to [drain?}, then mix it with two oz of grated bread stir this in by degrees with your butter and sugar, beat 4 eggs very light. Add them by degrees, then add a wine glass of wine, brandy and rosewater mixed. Stir all well to gether

Last edit about 2 years ago by alex_
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Apple Pie---

Take the apples, and stew them, season with sugar if required, rosewater and spice, roll out the rich paste and put it in to bake lie some bread in the bottom to keep it from rising, when nearly done take it out, take out the bread, put in the apple, cover the top with paste, let it stand in the oven again till the bottom appears to be done, when taken out, cover the top with sifted sugar

Cranberry Pie may be made in the same manner:

Last edit about 2 years ago by alex_
Displaying pages 51 - 60 of 1815 in total