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San Francisco, June 17th 1863

Hon. Wm P. Dole Coms &c

Your letter of 25th ult.
acknowledging the rect of my accounts for
2nd qr of 1862 (former returns lost with Golden Gate)
also your letter of same date acknowledging
recpt of mine 25th April in regard to the
difficulties existing in Round Valley, - In which
letter you say, "It is very difficult for this office
to give you any definite instructions as to the
best course to be persued" &c - "And hence it
will be necessary to depend much upon your
own Judgment &c" &c - The idea suggested
in my letter 25th Apl. of renting the improvements
and paying for the planted crops of the Settlers in said
Valley, I submited to them in a public address;
Calling all the Settlers together in the valley for
that and other purposes, at the time of my
late visit there; I took that occasion to
express my astonishment and uqualified
disapprobation of the wanton unprovoked
and premeditated masacre of the 23 or 24
Wylackies that had doubtless come to the
reservation to find protection against white
men, who had been persuing them in the

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