MF1323.1197 Reel 39_0304



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California H423 Geo M. Hanson San Francisco, Cal. Sept 8, '63

Enc. copy of Danl. E. Hamblin's bids for the delivery of cattle for the Indian service, states he has delivered 200 heads and remarks rel. to payment for the cattle, and want of funds.


[ink stamp] RECEIVED AT THE Oct 5 1863 INDIAN BUREAU

Finance, Clark

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Office Ind Affs Sept 8th/63

Hon Wm. P. Dole, Com'r &c


Enclosed please find copy of Hamblen's bond for the delivery of Cattle - 220 head was delivered weighed & branded in Aug. Another drove perhaps about the same number is on the way & I have extended the time for the delivery of the remainder of the Contract. A letter from Special Agent, Ridwell states "the Indians Collected in Butte Co. are being now removed, he employed teams at his own charge, as I was out of funds - The excitement in Butte is dying out.

I had to make myself personally responsible to Hamblen for the 220 head of cattle delivered, as the money was not in hand. Certainly the Indian Service in Cal. will prove a failure if more funds is not in command & that in time.

I have the honor to be yr. obt. Servt.

G.M. Hanson Supt &c

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Copy of H423 Hamblens bond

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Know all men by these presents that we Daniel E Hamblen Robert Dinsmore and H. W. Dow are held and firmly bound unto the United States of America in the final sum of Four Thousand Dollars in Lawful Money of the U.S. for the payment of which will and truly be Made we bind our selves our heirs and assigns firmly by these presents -

The conditions of the foregoing obligation is such, That whereas in pursuance of a Notice given in the Sacramento Weekly Union (a copy of which is hereunto annexed) by George M. Hanson Suptg. Agt. Ind. Affairs N. Dist. Cal. for sealed proposals to furnish Milch cows and other Cattle at the Several Indian Reservations in said District &c - and whereas the said Superintending Agent has awarded to the Above bounden Daniel E. Hamblen the contract of Furnishing the Round Valley Reservation with the Eight Hundred head required at that place at Four Dollars & Twenty five Cents per hundred pounds nett

Now therefore if the said Daniel E. Hamblin shall on or before the 20th

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day of Octr next deliver at said Round Valley Reservation 800 head of good Tame American cattle (agreeable to said Notice) to said Superintending Agent or in his absence to the Supervisor on said Reservation Then the foregoing obligation to be paid otherwise remain in force and virtue -

Witness our hands & seals this 25th day of August 1863

(Signed) Danl. E. Hamblen {seal} R. Dinsmore {seal} H. W. Dow

Approved by me signed G. M. Hanson Suptg. Agt &C

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