MF1323.1197 Reel 39_0362





California J981 G. W. Jeffress Tehama, Cal July 10, '63

Enquire rel. to the payment of the a/c of J. W. Burgess & Joel Lewis, employees on the Nome Cult Reservation - also calls attention to the destitute condition of the Indians



Last edit over 1 year ago by County of Los Angeles Public Library


Tehama California July 10, 1863

Commissioner of Indian Affairs,

Dear Sir Sometime within the last month I addressed you upon the subject of the allowance of the accounts of J. W. Burgess and Joel Lewis, Employees in Nome Cult Reservation. The accounts have been recommended, by the then Superintendent of Ind' Affairs, and also by [Jno P.?] Wentworth; I am again requested by those gentlemen to solicit an answer to the enquiry, whether their accounts have been allowed - They are of opinions that they have been allowed for a long time, and that the money is the hands of G.M. Hanson Supt Ind' Affr's for Northern Dist California; I would again call your attention to the destitute and degraded condition of the Indians in the County, hundreds of them are dependent alone upon the prostitution of their wives and daughters for a livelihood; they roam the County at Large stealing and molesting the peace and quietness of good citizens - and should be taken care of. There are a number of good loyal ranchmen in this County that would take charge of them, with but little remunerations from Government; and in a short time the Indians, would be able by his

Last edit about 1 month ago by petkovsek


labor, controled by a Superintendent to [give?] them clothe and feed them respectably; I am confidant my dear sir, that if you will investigate this matter, you will discover it is to the interest of the Indians and the Community at Large that they be farmed out to good and responsible ranchmen who will become [denture?] for them during the time they may be so apprenticed to such ranchmen. I write this at the suggestion of many of the citizens of this County. By corresponding with Als Loomis, RH Thomas, Harry Wilson, Capt Eastman; J. G Lyles and I. G Doll you will be more fully satisfied that some such course should be adopted by the Commissioner in relation to the Indians in Tehama County.

Yours Respectfully GW Jeffress

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