Tehama California
July 10, 1863
Commissioner of Indian Affairs,
Dear Sir
within the last month I addressed you upon the sub-
ject of the allowance of the accounts of J. W. Burgess
and Joel Lewis, Employees in Nome Cult Reservation.
The accounts have been recommended, by the
then Superintendent of Ind' Affairs, and also
by [Jno P.?] Wentworth; I am again requested
by those gentlemen to solicit an answer to the
enquiry, whether their accounts have been al-
lowed - They are of opinions that they have been
allowed for a long time, and that the money is
the hands of G.M. Hanson Supt Ind' Affr's for
Northern Dist California; I would again call
your attention to the destitute and degraded condi-
tion of the Indians in the County, hundreds of them are
dependent alone upon the prostitution of their wives
and daughters for a livelihood; they roam the County
at Large stealing and molesting the peace and
quietness of good citizens - and should be taken
care of. There are a number of good loyal
ranchmen in this County that would take charge
of them, with but little remunerations from Government; and
in a short time the Indians, would be able by his
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