Fresno County California
August 8th, 1863
Hon Wm P Dole
Comr Ind. Affs.
Dear Sir,
Your letter of the 22d June last has been received.
In answer to, and in compliance with your request, I
have made out, and forward herewith inclosed, a
complete, list, of all the conditions for supplies furnished
Fresno Indian Agency during the Fiscal Year commencing
the 1st day of July 1859 and ending the 30th June 1860.
Under the Super intendance of Jas. Y. McDuffy, showing
the original amount and each creditor, and the
amount paid to each respectively. With the dates and
numbers of the vouchers &c. And also a list of
the names of all the creditors for supplies furnished
Fresno Indian Agency during the Fiscal Year
commencing the 1st day of July 1860, and ending the 30th
day of June 1861. (to 15th March 1861) With the
dates and numbers of the vouchers. Showing the original
amounts due each creditorrespectively. On which
amounts no payments has been made. With a cerficate
attached thereto, which is hoped will meet your application,
and be found satisfactory to the accounting offices
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