


Status: Complete


As a measure of temporary relief, in the
matter of food, Col. Bennet, Commanding
officer of the Fort, agreed to turn over to
them 2,000 lbs of damaged hominy, which
he had in store, and which was unavailable
for the use of the soldiers. He has already
on several occassions afforded them material
assistance, and deserves great credit for the
humane manner in which he has striven
to relieve their necessities

Yesterday, Decr 26th, a grand council
of all the chiefs and people was held, and
a distribution made in due form.

Pasqual, head chief}
Teharo} Subordinate chiefs
were present; and after impressing upon
them the necessity of cultivating the earth
for a living, as heretofore, and laying up a
sufficient supply of grain to provide against
contingencies like the present; and also of maintaing
peaceful and friendly relations towards
the whites now crowding into the country,
the Superintendent turned over to them
in separate allotments the goods and
wares designed for their relief. He also

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