


Status: Complete

State of California

Siskiyou County William
Bryson being duly sworn depseth &
says that he is the Supervisor of Smiths
River Reservation that whilst acting
in that capacity and in the months
of July & August 1863 he received an order
from Geo M Hansen then Superintending
Agent of Indian Affairs for the Northern
District of the State of California denoting
this depment to proceed to Oregon and
purchase a quantity of mares for said
Reservation and for that purpose to pay
the purchase money for said mares furnished
this depment with drafts of the
Assistant Treasury at San Francisco, that this
depment entered upon the discharge of his
duties and in the expectation of which incurred
traveling expenses which were paid out of
the individual funds of this depment and
which have since been reimbursed by the
present agent E Steele; that this department be known
in the execution of said commission paid
out of his own funds the sum of one hundred
dollars ballan. of purchase money on said
mares after exhausting the amount drawn
by the checks on the Assistant Treasurer which
said sum of one hundred dollars was included
in the vouchers sent to Mr. Hanson and he
advise of said advance with the expectation
as the recipts are in his naime, that he would

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