House of Reps. Mar 13, 1866
If Round Valley (sometimes called Nome Cult) in California is to be continued as an Indian Reservation every consideration of justice to both Indians and the white settlements which occupy a part of the valley demands an early determination and adjustment of the question by the government. The white settlements began contemporaneously with the use of that valley as a reservation and, as I am informed, at the instance and by the request of a former Superintendent of Indian Affairs. His object was doubtless to have help in case of an outbreak on the part of wild Indians that infested the surrounding country and was therefore at that early period a measure
of protection. To drive away these settlers without compensation would be unjust and not for a moment to be thought of. To adopt the valley for a permanent reservation it must be entirely in the possession of the government. It would then answer for all the Indians in nothern California who will ever be required to be removed to any reservation by the government.
This is the course that I would, after much thought on the subject, recommend. To purchase the claims and improvements of white settlers, and remove the Indians from Smith River, and Hoopa Valley, will require an appropriation of about one hundred and ten thousand (110,000) dollars. And yet I am persuaded this is the best and least expensive thing which
the government under the circumstances can do. The people living in Round Valley and the vicinity are desirous to have the place abandoned as a reservation and opened to settlement. I would advise this course if there were any other place better suited to an Indian reservation- But the fact is there is no other place, not already peopled by white settlers, that will answer the purpose- It is^ therefore reduced to Round Valley, or none at all, that will be adequate to the Indian service.
I desire to introduce a bill covering this subject, and making an appropriation for the purpose. If you concur I would request that you have a suitable bill prepared.
I have the honor to be Very Respectfully J. Bidwell
Hon D. N. Cooley Com. Ind. Affs