MF1323.1197 Reel 41_0022



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California B159 Hon. J. Bidwell H.R. June 11, 1866.

Reply to Office letter of 8th inst, as to price, average weight & condition of American cattle in Aug. & Sept. 1863. in California. Encloses copy of voucher under his own contract.

Claim settles & [illegible?] which this letter refers [June?] 15th 1866.

[ink stamp] June 12 1866 Finance [Smoot?]

Last edit 7 months ago by chaskins
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Your letter of the 8th inst is this day received and I hasten to comply with your request. You ask me "1st, Was $4.75 per one hundred pounds a reasonable price for American beef cattle during the months of August and September 1863 in California?" "2nd. Would 400 pounds be considered a fair average for such cattle?" "3rd Would cattle purchased during the months above mentioned be of good condition as to flesh?" In answer to the first question I will state, that $4.75 per one hundred pounds was, in my judgement a reasonable price for American beef cattle during the period specified. I can say this with entire assurance as I deal quite largely in cattle, and during that time I had a large number which I desired to sell. Cattle at that time valued very low in California and could be purchased, at times, as low as $3 in gold per one hundred pounds; but I declined to sell at that figure

Last edit 7 months ago by chaskins
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(2) as did farmers generally who were not obliged by circumstances to sell to [illegible?] obligating, or because their [pastiway?] had given out.

In reply to your second interrogatory I can say, that 400 pounds would not be a high average for American cattle in California, in August and September. In the case of the cattle furnished by DE Hamblin, I understand the sucking calves, that is, the calves of that year - 1863 - were thrown in not counted. The calves which were counted were, therefore, twelve to eighteen or twenty months old. Now, it does not take a remarkably thrifty calf eighteen months old to weigh 400 lbs.

My answer to third or last question is affirmative. Cattle in California are always fat in August and September, unless they are kept in [overstrched?] pastures, or where the country is barren and destitute of grass. During these months the grass, though dry, remains nutritious and so continues till the rains of November destroy its virtue - when cattle fall off and become thin in flesh; they improve again in April, May, June and July, when the dry grass hardens the fat and increases the weght till perhaps September; they are then in the best possible condition

Last edit 7 months ago by chaskins
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(3) and thus continues without material change till November - sometimes till December.

In conclusion it may be pertinous to state, that in 1864 - less than a year after the period named in your first question - a contract was awarded to me, as the lowest among several responsible bidders, to furnish beef for U.S. troops in Butte County, California for the term of one year, at 15 cents per pound. Afterwards, when elected to Congress, thinking that it would appear improper, if not illegal, for me to continue to furnish the beef, I made application to be released from my contract, which was refused by Gen M Dowell, who was in command of the Department of the Pacific.

Herewith I enclose copy of one of my last vouchers under the said contract.

I have the honor to be Very Respectfully Your most Obt Servt J. Bidwell

Hon DN Cooley Commissioner of Indian Affairs

Last edit 7 months ago by chaskins
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The United States Date of purchase - To J Bidwell. &-, May 31 1865 For 2080 lbs of Beef at 15 cent per pound. 312.00

Accounted for on my Provision return for the mouth of May 1865. $312.00 I certify that the above account is correct and just: that I have purchased the articles above [illegible]; that they were necessary to the public service, and that I have not paid the account. (signed) Henry L Pinwell Lieut 2nd Lav l Va.a.T.M. Received at Cal @ 1865. of asst qp master US Army, the sum of Three Hundred & twelve dollars, in full of above account.

(signed) J Bidwell

Note: The above was paid about two months since, here in WashingtonJ Bidwell

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