MF1323.1197 Reel 41_0045



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California B906 Hon. J. Bidwell, New York, August 6, 1866.

Forwards letter of A.J. Ringold, with Endorsements rel. to his claim for payment for ranch, grain &c at Round Valley, Cala.

[ink stamp] RECEIVED AT THE Aug 7 1866

Finance [illegible?]

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New York Aug 6, 1866


I have the honor to enclose herewith a letter from AJ Ringold which will explain itself. Two of the persons endorsing the letter of J Know & M. Dorman & J [Updersoff?] they are every way reliable.

I shall be under obligation if you will inform me whether or not this claim of A J. Ringold had, or any part of it, been paid? And if not, whether the same will or can be paid?

I have the honor to be Very truly Your obt Servt J. Bidwell

Hon D.N. Cooley Com. of Ind. Affs.

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Round Valley May 11th 1866

Hon John Bidwell Washington D.C.


I am very desirous to obtain your assistance to Secure the payment of a claim I have against the Indian Department as follows. In August 1863 I sold my "Ranch" or Claim of land in the Valley to Maj Hanson late Supt Indian Affairs together with all the stock and grain on the Ranch, Consisting of One hundred fifty head of hogs weighing one hundred pounds each at 3 1/4 per lb $487.50. Two hundred Seventy five Bushels wheat at 90 cents per Bushel $247.50. Ninty Bushels Corn at $1.00 per Bushel $911.00. Fifty Fowls at 25 cents each $12.50 amounting to $837.50 exclusive of the "Ranch" which consisted of my [possessory?] right to one quarter section of [illegible?] land and improvements thereon. All of which I sold to Supt Hanson for the sum of One Thousand dollars and received checks from the Supt on the U.S. Treasurer at San Francisco for that amount, which were to be paid within three weeks from the date of sale. The prices on the above account are put down at gold [rates?] and as the Indian Department had not [up?] to the date of this transaction paid out

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anything but gold coin I supposed and Supt Hanson assured me that he had no doubt the checks would be paid in gold.

All the property, except the Ranch, was received by Dr Melindy then Supervisor of Round Valley Reservation, and he [illegible?] to one for the same. Soon after this sale and delivery Supt Hanson was removed from office and the checks have never been paid.

Supt Hanson was succeeded by Mr E Steele, and I applied to him for payment of my account; he declined to carry out Supt Hansons contract in reference to the "Ranch," but agreed to pay for the [illegible?], grain, and poultry, which had been received and [illegible?] for by Supervisor Melindy, but did not do so.

Mr Wiley Succeeded Supt Steele in 1864, I applied to him for a settlement of any account, and he instructed one to make out my account on a currency basis, have it certified to by an Employee on the Reservation and [illegible?] to it before a Notary Public, which I did, estimating currency to be worth about 20 cents on the dollars (which was above the current value at that time) and forwarded the same to Supt Wiley at San Francisco. I do not know what steps Mr Wiley took in reference to this business but I have never received any part of my claim.

A considerable length of time has elapsed since this transaction and [illegible?] with the Supt in good faith without requiring any security supposing that my demand would be paid within a reasonable time I am getting anxious to have my claim settled

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and any assistance you can render one in the matter will be gratefully appreciated.

In support of my claim I would refer you to the following gentlemen who are acquainted with this matter.

Very Respectfully Yours &c A. J. Ringgold

We the undersigned certify that we are acquainted with [Mr?] Ringgold and that the foregoing statement of his claims is true and correct, that the prices of the property are low, and that he is justly and fairly entitled to the full amount of his account as stated.

[D. M. Domman?] H N Schu[illegible?] Jacob [Name]

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