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8 revisions
Laura K. Morreale LLC at Feb 28, 2021 02:04 AM

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Li boens saffirs le conte fu envoiez au segnor de Borbon ? Ce est ceu qui fu departi des choses le conte ? Messire Joffroiz de Sergignes li peres ot ⋅ i ⋅ saffir que li cuens pandoit a son col ⋅ ? Messire Renauz de Precegni ⋅ i ⋅ camahe ? Li Boichiers ses freres lesmeraude ⋅ que li cuens portoit en son doi ⋅ ? Messire Joffroiz de Sergignes li juennes une ⋅ esmeraude ? Messire Roberz de Juenneces ⋅ i ⋅ anel ? Messires Gauchies de Merri ⋅ i ⋅ anel ⋅ ? Messires Guiz de Chantenai ⋅ i ⋅ anel ? Messires Herves de Chantenai ⋅ i ⋅ anel ? Messire Copains ⋅ i ⋅ anel ? Messire Huges dAugerant, i anel. ? Item messire Hug d'Augerant en porte lenel que li dux avoit done le conte ⋅ et lenel qui deit estre as oirs de Neverz ⋅ ? Messire Erarz de Valeri a les ⋅ ii croisetes d'or ⋅ et le petit vaisselet dargent ou il a reliques que li patriarches aveit donees le conte ? Il i ot iii verz departis a chivalers et ⋅ ixx ⋅ pannes ⋅ ? Li chapelains lou conte ot le breviaire de la chapelle ⋅ e i sorpeliz nuef et Estienes li clers ot i sorpeliz nuef ⋅ A lopital de Saint-Jehan furent done li dui grand pot de cuivre de la cuisine ⋅

Li boens saffirs le conte fu envoiez au segnor de Borbon
? Ce est ceu qui fu departi des choses le conte
? Messire Joffroiz de Sergignes li peres ot ⋅ i ⋅ saffir que li cuens pandoit a son col ⋅
? Messire Renauz de Precegni ⋅ i ⋅ camahe
? Li Boichiers ses freres lesmeraude ⋅ que li cuens portoit en son doi ⋅
? Messire Joffroiz de Sergignes li juennes une ⋅ esmeraude
? Messire Roberz de Juenneces ⋅ i ⋅ anel
? Messires Gauchies de Merri ⋅ i ⋅ anel ⋅
? Messires Guiz de Chantenai ⋅ i ⋅ anel
? Messires Herves de Chantenai ⋅ i ⋅ anel
? Messire Copains ⋅ i ⋅ anel
? Messire Huges dAugerant, i anel.
? Item messire Hug d'Augerant en porte lenel que li dux avoit done le conte ⋅
et lenel qui deit estre as oirs de Neverz ⋅
? Messire Erarz de Valeri a les ⋅ ii croisetes d'or ⋅ et le petit vaisselet dargent
ou il a reliques que li patriarches aveit donees le conte
? Il i ot iii verz departis a chivalers et ⋅ ixx ⋅ pannes ⋅
? Li chapelains lou conte ot le breviaire de la chapelle ⋅ e i sorpeliz nuef
et Estienes li clers ot i sorpeliz nuef ⋅

A lopital de Saint-Jehan furent done li dui grand pot de cuivre de la cuisine ⋅


The high quality sapphire the count had sent to the lord of Bourbon. These are the things that were given away from among the count's possessions. To my lord Jeffrey of Sergines, the father, one saphire that the count wore around his neck. My lord Renaud de Précegni one cameo. The Boichiers, his brother, the emerald that the count wore on his finger. My lord Jeffrey of Sergines the younger, an emerald. My lord Roberz the Younger, 1 ring. My lord Gauchier de Merri, 1 ring. My lord Guiz of Chantenai, 1 ring. My lord Herves of Chantenai, 1 ring. My lord Copain, 1 ring. My lord Hughes of Augerant, 1 ring. Likewise, my lord Hughes of Augurant, wears the ring that the Duke had given the count a nd the ring that should be [given] to the heir of Nevers. My lord Erart de Valery has two small crosses of gold and a small silver case in which there are the relics that the patriarchs had given to the count. There were 3 [verz = either green or vair] given to the knights, and 12 panels [of cloth]. The count's chaplains receive the breviary of the chapel and 1 new surplice, and Estiens the cleric received 1 new surplice. And the Hospital of St. John was given the two large copper pots from the kitchen.

The high quality sapphire the count had sent to the lord of Bourbon.
These are the things that were given away from among the count's possessions.

To my lord Jeffrey of Sergines, the father, one saphire that the count wore around his neck.
My lord Renaud de Précegni one cameo.
The Boichiers, his brother, the emerald that the count wore on his finger.
My lord Jeffrey of Sergines the younger, an emerald.
My lord Roberz the Younger, 1 ring.
My lord Gauchier de Merri, 1 ring.
My lord Guiz of Chantenai, 1 ring.
My lord Herves of Chantenai, 1 ring.
My lord Copain, 1 ring.
My lord Hughes of Augerant, 1 ring.
Likewise, my lord Hughes of Augurant, wears the ring that the Duke had given the count a
nd the ring that should be [given] to the heir of Nevers.

My lord Erart de Valery has two small crosses of gold and a small silver case
in which there are the relics that the patriarchs had given to the count.
There were 3 [verz = either green or vair] given to the knights, and 12 panels [of cloth].
The count's chaplains receive the breviary of the chapel and 1 new surplice, and Estiens the cleric received 1 new surplice.

And the Hospital of St. John was given the two large copper pots from the kitchen.

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Li boens saffirs le conte fu envoiez au segnor de Borbon ? Ce est ceu qui fu departi des choses le conte ? Messire Joffroiz de Sergignes li peres ot ⋅ i ⋅ saffir que li cuens pandoit a son col ⋅ ? Messire Renauz de Precegni ⋅ i ⋅ camahe ? Li Boichiers ses freres lesmeraude ⋅ que li cuens portoit en son doi ⋅ ? Messire Joffroiz de Sergignes li juennes une ⋅ esmeraude ? Messire Roberz de Juenneces ⋅ i ⋅ anel ? Messires Gauchies de Merri ⋅ i ⋅ anel ⋅ ? Messires Guiz de Chantenai ⋅ i ⋅ anel ? Messires Herves de Chantenai ⋅ i ⋅ anel ? Messire Copains ⋅ i ⋅ anel ? Messire Huges dAugerant, i anel. ? Item messire Hug d'Augerant en porte lenel que li dux avoit done le conte ⋅ et lenel qui deit estre as oirs de Neverz ⋅ ? Messire Erarz de Valeri a les ⋅ ii croisetes d'or ⋅ et le petit vaisselet dargent ou il a reliques que li patriarches aveit donees le conte ? Il i ot iii verz departis a chivalers et ⋅ ixx ⋅ pannes ⋅ ? Li chapelains lou conte ot le breviaire de la chapelle ⋅ e i sorpeliz nuef et Estienes li clers ot i sorpeliz nuef ⋅ A lopital de Saint-Jehan furent done li dui grand pot de cuivre de la cuisine ⋅

Li boens saffirs le conte fu envoiez au segnor de Borbon
? Ce est ceu qui fu departi des choses le conte
? Messire Joffroiz de Sergignes li peres ot ⋅ i ⋅ saffir que li cuens pandoit a son col ⋅
? Messire Renauz de Precegni ⋅ i ⋅ camahe
? Li Boichiers ses freres lesmeraude ⋅ que li cuens portoit en son doi ⋅
? Messire Joffroiz de Sergignes li juennes une ⋅ esmeraude
? Messire Roberz de Juenneces ⋅ i ⋅ anel
? Messires Gauchies de Merri ⋅ i ⋅ anel ⋅
? Messires Guiz de Chantenai ⋅ i ⋅ anel
? Messires Herves de Chantenai ⋅ i ⋅ anel
? Messire Copains ⋅ i ⋅ anel
? Messire Huges dAugerant, i anel.
? Item messire Hug d'Augerant en porte lenel que li dux avoit done le conte ⋅
et lenel qui deit estre as oirs de Neverz ⋅
? Messire Erarz de Valeri a les ⋅ ii croisetes d'or ⋅ et le petit vaisselet dargent
ou il a reliques que li patriarches aveit donees le conte
? Il i ot iii verz departis a chivalers et ⋅ ixx ⋅ pannes ⋅
? Li chapelains lou conte ot le breviaire de la chapelle ⋅ e i sorpeliz nuef
et Estienes li clers ot i sorpeliz nuef ⋅

A lopital de Saint-Jehan furent done li dui grand pot de cuivre de la cuisine ⋅


The high quality sapphire the count had sent to the lord of Bourbon. These are the things that were given away from among the count's possessions. To my lord Jeffrey of Sergines, the father, one saphire that the count wore around his neck. My lord Renaud de Précegni one cameo. The Boichiers, his brother, the emerald that the count wore on his finger. My lord Jeffrey of Sergines the younger, an emerald. My lord Roberz the Younger, 1 ring. My lord Gauchier de Merri, 1 ring. My lord Guiz of Chantenai, 1 ring. My lord Herves of Chantenai, 1 ring. My lord Copain, 1 ring. My lord Hughes of Augerant, 1 ring. Likewise, my lord Hughes of Augurant, wears the ring that the Duke had given the count a nd the ring that should be [given] to the heir of Nevers. My lord Erart de Valery has two small crosses of gold and a small silver case in which there are the relics that the patriarchs had given to the count. There were 3 [verz = either green or vair] given to the knights, and 12 panels [of cloth]. The count's chaplains receive the breviary of the chapel and 1 new surplice, and Estiens the cleric received 1 new surplice. And the Hospital of St. John was given the two large copper pots from the kitchen and all the other kitchen wares were sold.

The high quality sapphire the count had sent to the lord of Bourbon.
These are the things that were given away from among the count's possessions.

To my lord Jeffrey of Sergines, the father, one saphire that the count wore around his neck.
My lord Renaud de Précegni one cameo.
The Boichiers, his brother, the emerald that the count wore on his finger.
My lord Jeffrey of Sergines the younger, an emerald.
My lord Roberz the Younger, 1 ring.
My lord Gauchier de Merri, 1 ring.
My lord Guiz of Chantenai, 1 ring.
My lord Herves of Chantenai, 1 ring.
My lord Copain, 1 ring.
My lord Hughes of Augerant, 1 ring.
Likewise, my lord Hughes of Augurant, wears the ring that the Duke had given the count a
nd the ring that should be [given] to the heir of Nevers.

My lord Erart de Valery has two small crosses of gold and a small silver case
in which there are the relics that the patriarchs had given to the count.
There were 3 [verz = either green or vair] given to the knights, and 12 panels [of cloth].
The count's chaplains receive the breviary of the chapel and 1 new surplice, and Estiens the cleric received 1 new surplice.

And the Hospital of St. John was given the two large copper pots from the kitchen

and all the other
kitchen wares were sold.