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Sum of reciept: 8,869 b and a half, 7 q
In this way, there remians 2,824 b 2 q in
the hands of my lord Erart of Valeri and in the hands
of my lord Hugue of Augerant. In receipt,
and from the other part, that is 80 lb and 106 s t
These accounts were made the day after the feast
of the Holy Cross in September, in the year 1266, at
the Temple, before the Grand Master and the Treasurer
of the Temple, and their other companions.


Likewise, on this same day, after the above
mentioned accounting, my lord Hugue of Augerant gave over to
the treasurer of the Temple 2,258 b to settle up
the pay, along with those who had, from 3,000 b
that the count owed them.

In this way there remained in the hands of my lord
Erart and my lord Hugue only 565 b.


Likewise. This is what my lord Hugue of Augerant
paid towards the above mentioned account:
For one agent who purachased the loan of
3,000 lb t that the Hospitallers lent to the count,
22 and one quarter b; and for the 2 others, who
sold the cloth and the silver, 2b
For payment on housing the grain, and where the retinue's animals

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